Thursday, October 31, 2019
Media Coverage of War Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Media Coverage of War - Research Proposal Example It is timely because it is based on the recent developments more precisely the Iraq war and it is argumentative because it has several perspectives of the same. The misperceptions of media reporting in Iraq war are immensely contested, and numerous studies have found that there were rampant instances of misreporting with the aim of winning support for the war (Blue Water Media 1). Cases have been reported of journalists being embedded with soldiers who intensified biased reporting. The proposed study endeavors to answer the established research question that will illuminate on the selected topic regarding media coverage of war with particular focus on the Iraq war. As a result, for purposes of the study the main research question has been developed that will guide the whole process of the suggested study. The main research question established is The proposed study will henceforth focus on the thorough evaluation of the above questions in guiding the process of research. The processes and activities of the suggested study will be based on the endeavor to reply to the above questions. The proposed study on media coverage of war will be organized in a systematic manner and will involve several activities. Initially, a general overview of the subject will be sought whereby existing information on the topic will be evaluated. A thorough background of the study will be sought which will be followed by the collection of data that will form the basic procedure of the study. Several sources will be applied in the process of conducting the suggested study. The sources to be used will be of two categories, primary and secondary sources. Primary sources will be crucial in developing the original flavor of the research. Primary sources represent original research, which relies on new methods of finding data. Secondary sources, on the other hand, will be pivotal in exploring existing data from completed research and surveys that will
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Testicular torsion in neonates Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Testicular torsion in neonates - Essay Example However, intravaginal torsion testis has also been reported in neonates (Burge). Most of the cases of torsion testis detected in the new born period are believed to occur inutero (2). Torsion testis occurs due to loose attachments of the tunica to the scrotal wall (4). It is associated with high birth weight (5). Most of the times, it is unilateral and may be associated with undescended testis. Baby of Gracy Thomas was noticed to have swelling and redness at the right half of the scrotum, 12 hours after birth. The baby was born full term by normal delivery. The birth weight was 3.5 kg. Antenatal scans were normal. On examination, there was redness and swelling over the right testis. No ecchymoses were noted on the skin of the scrotum. The testis was tender, firm and hard to feel. The opposite testis appeared normal. The vital signs were stable and other systems examination was normal. A diagnosis of torsion of the right testes was made and an emergency Doppler ultrasound arranged. Doppler study revealed gross swelling of the testis along with heterogeneous echogenicity. Subtunica fluid was noted and Doppler was absent. This confirmed the diagnosis of torsion testis. The baby was taken in for surgery immediately. On exploration during surgery, there was no evidence of necrosis of the affected testis. Incision of the right testis caused bleeding suggesting the viability of the testis. Detorsion of the right testes was done following which it was fixed to the scrotal wall. Also, orchidopexy of the opposite testis was also undertaken. Intra-operative Doppler study revealed return of blood supply to the testes, thus proving the success of detorsion. Post-sugery, the baby was stable. He was discharged after 2 days and asked to return after a week for follow up. On follow up, examination of the testes were normal. Neonatal testicular torsion can be divided
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Reflection On Placement Experience
Reflection On Placement Experience The Ipswich Womens Centre Against Domestic Violence is a feminist community based organisation committed to working towards the elimination of domestic and family violence throughout the community. The primary focus of IWCADV is to provide support to women and children survivors of domestic and family violence. This includes telephone information, referral and support services, court support for women, counselling services, group work and childrens work. During my placement experience as a womens counsellor at IWCADV I first spent a few weeks developing my understanding of the issues involved in domestic violence and the systems that are in place to support women and children who are survivors of domestic and family violence. My knowledge of the issues affecting women and children experiencing domestic and family violence includes an understanding of the emotional impacts of abuse (such as feelings of grief and loss, anger, guilt, depression, trauma), the loss of personal and physical security, safety concerns, the financial costs, family law and other legal issues, and power and control imbalances in relationships. I have developed my knowledge of the issues affecting women and children experiencing domestic and family violence in my university studies and my work experience. The understanding that I gained from my University studies was enhanced during my student placement at the Ipswich Womens Centre Against Domestic Violence. It was here that I developed my understanding of feminist perspectives on domestic and family violence, including the individual, familial, legal and social issues. In this role I was able to develop my understanding of feminist informed practises and techniques. I support this framework for practice as it can empower women and help them find their voice, encouraging women who have experienced the loss of control to make choices about their own life and to take responsibility for their life choices and to take back control. I worked from within a feminist framework to empower the client to find her voice and to discover her worth and make her own choices. In my role as a student counsellor at IWCADV I provided crisis support and advocacy work to women who have experienced domestic and family violence. During the beginning counselling sessions, I found it was quite difficult to always follow the story and set direction for the counselling. I took a strengths based narrative approach and usually after 2 -3 sessions a clearer picture had developed of the clients experience with domestic violence, and this continued to unfold throughout the counselling sessions. One of the most personally rewarding aspects of my counselling experience was the opportunity to explore and experience symbol and sand tray therapy. I spent some time reading Sandplay and Symbol Work Emotional healing and personal development with children, adolescents and adults by Mark Pearson and Helen Wilson to prepare for my personal experience with symbols and sand tray therapy during my professional supervision sessions. I then had the opportunity to introduce one of my counselling clients to the sand tray. Whilst I did have feelings of uncertainty about my ability to facilitate the process, I did feel comfortable enough with the setting and with my client to create a safe place for self-discovery and self-awareness. She was very open to the process and we both found this to be an enjoyable and meaningful experience. My client reported that this was a very positive experience for her and allowed her to process some of her experiences with domestic violence and that it was a breakthrough for her in terms of learning to accept and value herself. I felt that it was an honour to share this part of my clients journey. With another client who was directed by the Department of Child Safety to attend counselling, setting the direction for each session was more difficult. I did not believe that this woman was ready to explore some of the emotional issues related to the trauma that she had experienced as a result of long term domestic violence. I was encouraged by her regular attendance and I believe that this was a result of my increasing ability to develop rapport. I was able to develop good rapport with my clients by being non-judgemental, using open ended questions and appropriate body language. I believe that my skill in developing rapport is reflected by the feedback and regular attendance to counselling sessions by my clients. I did struggle with ending the sessions on time and frequently found that sessions with some clients were running over 1.5 hours long. I spoke with some of the other workers at the service about this and they agreed that it could be difficult especially when women are exploring very painful issues and that it was important to be sensitive but direct when closing a counselling session. The group supervision times that I was included in at IWCADV were also very rewarding and inspiring times for me. The other workers at the service were all very passionate women with a strong commitment to empowering women and changing community attitudes about violence towards women. During group supervision there was opportunity and support for workers to reflect on their own feelings of despair and helplessness, and there was encouragement to extend and share your knowledge and understanding of the issues relating to domestic and family violence. The group times were also very rewarding team building occasions and there is a strong commitment at the service to supporting one another. For example, I found that after long phone calls or after a counselling session, another worker would check-in with me to provide any support and to answer any questions that I had.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Instant Messaging: Friend or Foe of Student Writing? Essay -- Essays P
Instant Messaging: Friend or Foe of Student Writing? Introduction With the commercial advent of the Internet and cell phones in the late 1990’s, technologies such as instant messaging (IM) and text messaging (TM) have achieved increasing prevalence in our society. These types of messaging technologies are widely used among adolescents today. To cite just one personal example of this widespread usage, my friend’s daughter, who is now 11 and lives in Ireland, got a cell phone last year, and, according to my friend, â€Å"was the last person in her class to get one.†This is quite an amazing change, given that ten years ago, instant messaging and text messaging were in their infancy, and cell phones were only readily available as tools for roadside assistance. Given the newness of these types of technologies, it is only in the last few years that educators have started to notice them and explore their effects on student behavior and performance. While there is supporting evidence to suggest that these technologies have a large influence on the social development of adolescents, an even more pertinent issue for classroom teachers is what effects these technologies have on the academic development of young people. In this article, I examine how students’ use of text messaging technology, specifically IM, affects their writing skills. How does IM use affect students’ interest in traditional writing (as learned in school)? In what ways does IM usage affect students’ writing ability? How does â€Å"IM-speak†change students’ views of what is considered â€Å"proper†language? How can classroom teachers build on student use of this increasingly popular technology? In this paper I provide a discussion of the current issues and current teacher pra... ...lts. If students understand where and when it is appropriate to use certain types of language, then allowing them to use IM-speak can be beneficial in building student-teacher relationships, in enhancing students’ comfort level in school settings, and in improving academic performance. IM lingo is evidence of the evolution of language, and as Brown-Owens, Eason, and Lader (2003) point out, teachers need to realize that – for better or for worse – IM is widely used among many adolescents and is consequently a strong influence on student academic performance. For who knows? Given its roots in other languages, sometime soon we may even be teaching IM-speak as a legitimate form of language. Works Cited: Connor, Amanda. "Instant Messaging: Friend or Foe of Student Writing?" From Access Date: April, 2005
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Footballers Do Not Deserve The High Salaries
Many people think that footballers are paid too much money for doing too little effort. However, this can be argued because they are people who have dedicated their entire life to this sport and therefore they should be rewarded. This leads us to the question: Do footballers deserve high salaries? Firstly, some famous footballers are paid huge amounts of money such as Cristiano Ronaldo who are paid millions of euros every year to play for his parent club Real Madrid . Currently the highest paid footballer is Lionel Messi who earns ? 0 million per year not including his sponsership money which is ridiculess . This makes us feel that it is unreasonable that there are so many people dying of famine in the world and these people are given so much money for performing an insignificant effort. It even make us feel irritated to know how these football players waste their money in wants that are of no use such as Etoo who plays for Inter Milan in Italy . Eto ownes about fifteen expensive cars at the moment and people may argue that the money should be used wisely. A lot of money is needed for many purposes: for example for the aid of starving people in the less economically developed countries or in the building of more hospitals for our own health and security. My second arguement is that people argue that there are other professions that provide far much more for the population that footballers do and that they are poorly paid in comparison. They should be paid more. Other people even think that what they are paid would be justified if they performed better in the actual matches. Other sports stars across the world including Tiger Woods And Floyd Mayweather Jnr Earn alot more money than your average footballer and no one seems too complain. Many people say that one goal in a ninety-minute match or a draw implies an awful quality performance. On the other hand, the opinion of the spectators is that these players have dedicated their full lives to their job which involves harsh training and the maintenance of physical fitness through intense daily training so he has to be under the pressure of their trainer who requires them to be completely fit and train strictly. Furthermore, apart from the pressure exerted from heir club they are under the pressure of the audience. They have always to play correctly and not make any mistake so that the media and the public will not criticize them. A single error would represent a possible end of the career of that player. In addition to this, we have to consider the fact that the age of retirement for a professional football player is of about 30-40 years means that this person relies on the money he has gained in his short lifetime as a professional footballer therefore football players need the money for the future so they can sustain themselves and their future generations. Finally, the football business is private, no public money pays for the bills so why should we care about how much are the players paid? It is a sport that is enjoyed by millions of people and it is known everywhere so it is maybe true that these players are worth the money, that their talent deserves this money. In conclusion, my opinion is that footballers don’t perform such a simple, undemanding and effortless job, they dedicate their lives to this sport so that the people can enjoy it and it is quite complex for them to maintain their physical strength and fitness to survive ninety minutes running. They also are under a lot of pressure from their managers, media and the whole audience and one mistake publicly or on the pitch can lead to hatred. However, I do consider that the sum of money they are paid is quite over exaggerated, it is too much and even if it is not that easy to become a professional player, the effort is not worth millions of euros and I believe that some of these money should be for other purposes such as stopping the famine and starvation in the world. So footballers should be compensated for their effort but with so much money.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Home Sweet Home
Woof. Woof woof. The consistent barking of my neighbor’s dog awakens me. I look outside the window only to realize its just 5 o’clock in the morning. Four hours before I need to get ready to head out with my family for a Sunday outing. â€Å"No use hitting the pillow now. I won’t be able to sleep anyhow. †, I tell myself. Having no clue how to spend these 5 hours, I start walking around my house. My room, with its orange hues, is the brightest one of all the rooms. Be it summer, winter or monsoon, the room is always airy with plenty of light.Passing by my parents’ room, I feel a sense of warmth. The beige and cascade green always make me feel warm inside. I make myself a cup of hot coffee and head towards our balcony, which faces the beautiful, lush green lawns next to the slope of the nearby hill. I take a deep breath, inhaling the beautiful aroma of the wet soil. The chirps and trills and cuckoos of the birds draw my attention. People say, birds n ever visit places where we stay. That is so not true!A person just has to get up early and have a stroll down the road near his house. It’s hard to believe that there are so many of them around us. Soon, I see a few people walking down the road. As time passes by, more people appear and so do their vehicles. The sounds of the feathered friends are replaced by the honking and beeping of the cars and scooters. Just then, my mom reminds me that I have to get ready, ending the delightful moments I just experienced. However, there would be more such mornings; and I certainly look forward to them.
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