Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Essay On The Black Cat - 703 Words
Name: Sumaiya Bashar Date: 10-12-2017 Language and Composition Group:Turqouise ID: 160020 The Black Cat The story about a man and an antiquity â€Å"The Black Cat†something is very old and valuable. The main character Salahadin was trying to find this antiquity to put this in right place. It is like a battle of death to get this antiquity but finally Salahadin get it and put it in the museum. On this book the author â€Å"John Milne†was tried to say that, too much greed toward anything lead you to died one day. In this essay, I will evaluate the story clearly†¦show more content†¦Need is okay but too much need is not okay. It will make us self-centered and bad person. On the other hand, Salahadin went his student house and he try to fine the whole problem. (Page 25) Moreover, Salahadin was moving to another place by boat called â€Å"Athens†. On the boat he was tried to search a particular man later, he was found and takes a cabin near his cabin. Salahadin was clever enough and also smart because he is the only one person who is solving the case without anyone’s help. He was very good person. Salahadin’s main purpose is following the man and gets the antiquity back. Then Salahadin was entered his cabin and searching the black cat. Firstly, he was not found that later on, he finds the black cat just on that time the man was come and Salahadin was caught. (Page 38-39). The man was tried to killed Salahadin however, it was miracle that, the man was fell into water and Salahadin was save also the antiquity. There is one proverb that I want to say, â€Å"If you do bad, bad will be done to you (Croatian Proverb). What we have, we have to be satisfied with it. After all this happen, he went back to his home and returns it in the r ight place. Salahadin gives to the museum and also find out whether it valuable or not. (Page 51) In conclusion, â€Å"The Black Cat†was in it right place and every one comes to see this however, they discover it was not so much valuable rather gold or diamond. It was only a piece of woodShow MoreRelated black cat Essay2405 Words  | 10 Pages The Effect of the Use of Irony on the Progress of Poes Short Story, quot;The Black Catquot; This Paper will interpret a short story, quot;The Black Catquot;, by Edgar Allan Poe. My Purpose is to show the effect of the use of irony on the progress of the short story. I Suspect that use of irony in Edgar Allan Poes short story, quot;The Black Cat,quot; is one of the main points which allows the hidden character of the Narrator, and the truth of the situation to be revealed and helps theRead More The Black Cat Essay500 Words  | 2 Pages â€Å"The Black Cat,†by Edgar Allan Poe nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;â€Å"The Black Cat,†a short story by Edgar Allan Poe, is about a man who is in jail confessing to murdering his wife. He starts of by stating that he was happily married to a nice beautiful woman, and the couple had many animals. Among those animals was a black cat named Pluto and this cat is the narrator’s favorite animal. The cat and the narrator established a great relationship and are almost inseparable. The narrator soon becomesRead More The Black Cat Essay872 Words  | 4 Pages The Black Cat nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; The Black Cat, by Edgar Allen Poe, is a story about a man whose love for animals is overcome by an extreme hatred toward the creatures. What goes around comes around is a saying that would most effectively convey the message of this story because Poe implies that people will inevitably suffer the consequences of their actions. Through the careful construction of plot, the ongoing use of irony, and the rapid development of character, Poe captures theRead MoreThe Black Cat Essay1094 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"The Black Cat†by Edgar Allan Poe â€Å"The Black Cat†by Edgar Allan Poe is one of Poe’s greatest literary works that embodies his signature themes of death, violence, and darkness. Poe’s main character begins his narration of his horrible wrongdoings regarding them as a â€Å"series of mere household events†(Poe 705). However, this is where Poe’s satire and irony begins and the story progresses to show the deranged mindset of this character as he tries to justify his actions. As the main character proceedsRead MoreThe Black Cat Analysis Essay1107 Words  | 5 Pages Edgar Allen Poe’s short story The Black Cat immerses the reader into the mind of a murdering alcoholic. Poe himself suffered from alcoholism and often showed erratic behavior with violent outburst. Poe is famous for his American Gothic horror tales such as the Tell-Tale Heart and the Fall of the House of Usher. â€Å"The Black Cat is Poe’s second psychological study of domestic violence and guilt. He added a new element to aid in evoking the dark side of the narrator, and that is the supernaturalRead More The Black Cat - Symbolism Essay871 Words  | 4 Pages Symbolism in Edgar Allan Poe’s amp;quot;The Black Catamp;quot; amp;nbsp; amp;#9;In Edgar Allan Poe’s amp;quot;The Black Cat,amp;quot; symbolism is used to show the narrator’s capacity for violence, madness, and guilt. amp;quot;The Black Cat,amp;quot; written by Edgar Allan Poe serves as a reminder for all of us. The Capacity for violence and horror lies within each of us, no matter how docile and humane our disposition might appear. In this story, the narrator portrays a man who isRead MoreThe Cask Of Amontillado And The Black Cat Essay1643 Words  | 7 Pagesreflect all the violence and death in his life. Although many of his stories mirror his short-lived life, The Cask of Amontillado and The Black Cat are both structured similarly to show the unique voice of Edgar Allan Poe by using diction, protagonists and antagonists, and plot structure. For starters, both The Cask of Amontillado and The Black Cat have a similar plot. Although they are two completely different concepts, they both involve hatred, which leads to violence and death. In TheRead MorePsychoanalytical Analysis of The Black Cat Essay624 Words  | 3 Pages In Edgar Allen Poes short story, The Black Cat, there is a lot of symbolism regarding hidden attributes of his life. The black cat itself represents not only a hidden meaning but a meaning the narrator wished to keep hidden. The black cat symbolizes the narrators or Poes alcoholism. Edgar Allen Poe has been accused of being an alcoholic throughout his life and it may have actually lead up to the cause of his death. The short story may give a subtle view at Poes fight with the disease andRead MoreEssay about Psychoanalyzing the Black Cat2023 Words  | 9 PagesTyler Bennett Dr. Kyburz ENGL-2600 November 26, 2012 Uncanny Cat Edger Allen Poe’s short story The Black Cat’s plot consists of a rather horrifying narrative provided by the narrator, whom remains unnamed. The story begins as a simple re telling of events from the narrator’s life. This â€Å"self reflection†was brought on by the narrator’s imminent execution on the following dayâ€â€the cause of his execution remains shrouded behind statements indicating the common place. The narrator comments on hisRead MoreA Comparative Essay On The Tell Tale Heart And The Black Cat1090 Words  | 5 PagesA Comparative Essay on The Tell-Tale Heart and The Black Cat By Annaliese Zmegac 10 White Edgar Allen Poe illustrates his narrators from The Black Cat and The Tell-Tale Heart in a certain light. The portrayal of the narrators through symbols of a heart and dark and night which give the audience an easier understanding because of the implications surrounding these particular symbols. The narration indicates various things about elements of the the narrators like their insanity or even their stability
Monday, December 16, 2019
The Escape †Creative Writing Free Essays
string(38) " happen no matter how much I pleaded\." I couldn’t breathe. I could feel a large weight on top of me but when I looked there was nothing there. It was getting heavier and heavier. We will write a custom essay sample on The Escape – Creative Writing or any similar topic only for you Order Now I tried to scream but every time that I tried I felt a shooting pain in my chest. All that I could do was wait and pray. I thought that it was unlikely that I would be found and I kept going over what had happened and couldn’t understand how a life so perfect could go so wrong as easily as it had. It wasn’t right. I looked down and released a ear splitting scream†¦ The previous month I had just been a normal teenager, going to school and going shopping at the weekend. Then it all changed. I came home from school to find that a large wagon was parked in front of our house and a man was carrying out our belongings. I saw my TV, stereo and Game cube being carried out of the front door by two large men. At first I thought that we were being robbed but then I saw my mum and dad appear at the front door. My mum was in floods of tears and my dad was stood with another man and signing papers. It never occurred to me what was happening. I ran across the garden and threw my arms around my mum. Although I didn’t know what was going on I started to cry. I thought that I should try to be brave as my mum was so upset but it was the only time that I had ever seen her cry. I knew that something must be seriously wrong. I released her gently from my arms and gently asked her what was happening and who the men were. She said that my dad would explain everything when he had signed the papers. It was about five minutes, but seemed like a lifetime, before my dad could come and explain what we were going to do next. As my dad started to talk I became speechless. How could this happen? We hadn’t done anything wrong yet we were the ones that were being punished. I couldn’t take in what was being explained to me. It was so unfair that because my dad had done the right thing we were going to have to move out of our house and leave our life that my parents had built up for me. What had happened was that my dad had been involved in a robbery at work, the men had been captured but my dad had been asked to give evidence in court in order to get them put in prison. My dad had done this willingly but the thing that he had not realised was that the men who he had helped to send to prison were part of a large gang who were very violent. The other gang members were now out for revenge, with my dad. He had been receiving silent phone calls; evil text messages and he had even been sent death threats through the post. But what had happened the previous day was too much for anyone to cope with. Someone had burst into his office to try to attack him. It could have all gone horribly wrong for my dad if it hadn’t been for a meeting being called at the last minute and him leaving his office to join it. I felt awful, it had been the previous day that I had been moaning because I wasn’t allowed to go out with my friends. I could now understand that they had done it for my safety and the same men that had wanted to kill my dad could have killed me. I hadn’t thought at any point in my life that I would have to be careful where I go and who I go with for the risk of my life. It all seemed so unreal. I had watched TV programmes and horror films about things like this happening but I never thought about what it must be like for people to be put in this situation. I felt disappointed in myself because I remembered when I was at a sleepover and I had joked that this sort of thing would never happen and that if it did the person who was on the run must have done something wrong. Even when I had this explained to me I didn’t expect to hear what they told me next. We were being put in the ‘Witness Protection Programme’. I didn’t fully understand what this meant. I thought that all it meant was that we had to move away from our home in order to get away from the people that were chasing us. As my parents continued to talk I realised that it meant that we were going to get a new identity and that we were not allowed to tell anyone what we were going to do. That was the hardest thing that I had to cope with. I said bye to my friends when I left school that day but it never entered my head that it was the last thing that I would be saying to them. I had always been popular at school and I couldn’t understand why something like this would happen to me. Why couldn’t it happen to Laura and her family? No one liked her and she didn’t have any friends so there wouldn’t be anyone who would miss her. I knew that it was a horrible thing to think but I couldn’t help myself. What would my friends think if I didn’t say anything before I left? I pleaded with my mum to let me phone them, I even said that one would be enough and that they could pass on the message to the others. This wasn’t going to happen no matter how much I pleaded. You read "The Escape – Creative Writing" in category "Papers" They explained that it was for my safety. If I had told my best friend and she said something to my other friends, someone could overhear what she was saying and this problem could start over again. I did understand what they were saying but it seemed so undeserved. After we had the conversation I decided that I would have one last look inside the house. I was really surprised. The house still had the wallpaper and the carpets but the rest of the house was so bare. I climbed the stairs to where my bedroom was. It was weird knowing that it was the last time that I would be in my room again. It still looked like my room with the carpets and the poster but everything else was bare. I felt a tear fall down my face. I was trying to be strong but there was nothing that I could do, I just couldn’t stop the tears from continually falling. I slowly walked down the stairs and quietly sat in the car. The large wagon started to drive off down the street and I knew then that it was the end of what I knew as my life. As my parents got into the car a policewoman came to sit in the back. It all felt so strange and I couldn’t take the chance of looking behind me because I didn’t know how I would react. When we turned the corner onto the main road my phone started to bleep to tell me that I had a message so I reached into my bag to get it out. It was no sooner that I had the mobile in my hand that the policewoman snatched it off me. She was sympathetic with me but she said that it would be best if I didn’t read what it said because it may upset me to know that I was unable to respond to whatever was said. As we pulled onto the motorway it struck me that I did not know where we were going. I had been so wrapped up in my thoughts that we could have been going abroad and I wouldn’t have known. I asked my dad but he said that he would tell me when we had arrived. It seemed to me as if I was being kept in the dark about everything that was going on. Did my parents not realise how much this was affecting me? My whole world was being turned upside down and they wouldn’t tell me anything about what was happening. It wasn’t as though I wouldn’t understand; I was a teenager so why wouldn’t they trust me. I didn’t have any way that I could contact anyone so I couldn’t put us in any danger from these people who were chasing us. We slowed down and I noticed a sign that was in welsh and as soon as I saw it I knew where my parents were taking me. We had been on holiday here the previous year and my parents had expressed how much they loved it her. I was really angry now. They were messing up my whole life and they were making me stay in this place. They knew how much I hated it because of how much there was to do. There were fields all around, no shops and no one who was near my age. I couldn’t see how I was going to cope in a place like this. My life would revolve around school because there was nothing else to do. If we had to move why couldn’t we move to a large town like London or Birmingham? This was going to be my worst nightmare, nothing to do but walk up hills and go to school. I had never realised how great my life was before. It makes me understand how true the saying ‘you never appreciate what you have until its gone’ is. The amount of times my parents had said this I hadn’t really understood it, I just assumed that if you lost something you would be able to get used to your life without it. I would never get used to this. We drove into the village and there was nobody about even though it was a Friday night. There were always people about when you wanted to go out. I hadn’t even seen one person here. We pulled up in front of this tiny cottage. They couldn’t seriously think that this was big enough for three people but when I looked round it seemed to be one of the biggest cottages in the area. I hesitantly walked through the front door to find that it seemed bigger on the inside than it looked from the outside. I knew that there was nothing that I could do now to change their mind so I returned outside and took one of the suitcases out of the boot of the car. As I turned around I noticed that there was a boy and a girl walking towards me. They seemed friendly and they looked about my age. I said hello and introduced myself. It seemed weird when I had to introduce myself by a different name. They didn’t seem to notice the uneasy tone in my voice because they both introduced themselves to me. They said that they both lived down the road and that they went to the school that I would be going to. I told them that I had to take my things inside but I would hopefully see them later. They said bye and walked off. Things looked much better than I had originally thought that it could be. I slowly got used to living in a quiet village and by the end of the second week I had lots of new friends and I had told then why I had moved here-The made up version obviously. Everyone seemed nice but because it was so secluded there was only six people in my class. It was strange to begin with and I would go home upset because of how few people there are but after I thought about it I realised that it was much better for my education. It was as though I was having one to one tuition, which meant that I was learning much more than I did at my previous school. I still missed all my friends and in a strange way some of the teachers. After we had been at our new home for a month things started to go wrong for us. Someone had found out my mums new mobile number and she was getting prank phone calls and silent phone calls. We notified the police but they assumed that it was my fault and that I had been in contact with someone from my old school. Nobody believed me when I said that I hadn’t done anything that I wasn’t supposed to do and I was kept off school to be questioned and to ‘learn a lesson’. I hadn’t realised that it was so serious if I had spoke to someone from my old school. I hadn’t and that was what upset me, no one believed me. I stormed out of the house my eyes full of tears and a lump in my throat†¦ †¦ My scream rang through the dark lane and my chest hurt even more. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. My white T-shirt had turned red with the blood that was pouring out of my chest. I tried to think what had happened to me. I didn’t know how long I had been here for. I didn’t know how much longer I would be here. I heard a car engine in the distance. I tried to move but I found that no matter how hard I tried my legs would not move. I couldn’t believe that I was going to be rescued but my luck changed. The car turned down a small lane. If only I had waited with my parents I wouldn’t have been in this situation. Why didn’t I wait at home and try to explain further? I didn’t know what to do. I had no way of phoning home and I didn’t know where I was. In the very far distance I saw a small yellow dot that was becoming larger with every second. I realised that it was someone on a bike. I wanted to scream for help but each time I tried there was only a small noise that escaped. I could only wait and hope that the bike wouldn’t turn. It was coming straight towards me. My eyes closed and everything went dark. As I opened my eyes I could hear lots of noise and see lots of people hurrying around me. I was in a total daze. I could hear lots of people saying my name and asking if I could hear them. I could, I just couldn’t respond. It was as though I was watching these people with someone else and there was nothing that I could do. I felt someone grab hold of my hand so I squeezed the hand as much as I could. When I had done this I heard the reassuring voice of my mum. It was saying â€Å"Everything will be okay. I wont let anything happen to you ever again. There is no-one that can harm you now. †I believed every word that she was saying to me. I knew that I would be okay from now on. How to cite The Escape – Creative Writing, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Pages and Common Sense Analysis and Review free essay sample
This Is greatly In part to the lascivious attempts of royal propagandists to smear Pains unblemished reputation by muddying the realities of his heritage. (pig. 24) Notwithstanding the difficulty, Lie aptly delivers valuable particulars of Pains past and associates them succinctly to the events leading up to and following the tutoring of Common Sense. Like many of his American contemporaries, Paine came from humble beginnings. His father, a corset maker from Debtors, and his mother, a woman of high-esteem and an Fenton household, made an unusual couple given their societal hereditary differences.It was this variance In heritage that nurtured both Pains familial recognition of the common mans adversity in a monarchs dominion and his natural predisposition for the written word and self-dilatation. Ell draws on this point clang Pains short lived days at a grammar school near his homeland. pig. 27) Such an opportunity was uncommon for the son of a corset maker and although it would have been more anticipated that he would simply follow his further established his kinship and compassion of the common man when he ventured out as a privateer, despite his fathers previous attempts of curtailing such adventures. Not much is known of Pains days as a privateer other than it was short lived. It is assumed that he had grown distaste for the lifestyle, perhaps because he simply found it disagreeable or found disdain for the lack of principles for which privateers stand. Nonetheless, the experience left Paine with a greater understanding of the soldier class. Not too long after his days as a privateer, Paine finds himself under the employ of the government, a peculiar position for the man who would inspire a revolution against the same government not but a few years later. Furthermore, Paine was an excise man.Not the position a man of the people would be expected to fill. However, Paine, in many ways, was an opportunist and, even after once being dismissed as an excise man for stamping the whole ride, (pig. 34) Paine was able to build such a rapport with the people in the community he revered that he became a favored citizen. It was this talent, the talent of garnering the favor of the people that was truly Pains gift. Writing, oration, and anything else were secondary components to Pains charismatic mastery and aptitude for earning the affection of the societies around him.I believe no matter where Pains endeavors had brought him he would always be of the people, so much so that he would actually become one of those people, Just as he became an American. Paine, born and raised in England, was relieved from his position as an excise man and after various unsuccessful business endeavors, Benjamin Franklin was finally able to persuade him to venture to the Americas. It is peculiar to consider that had he been allowed to retain his position as an excise man, Common Sense may have never been penned and the revolution may have never come to fruition.Benjamin Franklin saw in Paine what so many others did, a commonality to the people with whom he was surrounded. It didnt take long for Paine to ingratiate himself into the lives of the colonials. Not long after his arrival, even while recuperating from an arduous reincarnations Journey that left him in the shackles of bed rest, Paine was already reaching out to the people through his writings. Lie greatly accentuates the importance of Pains connection to the people who were in reverence and the dissension of those in disaccorded to his ideals. I think this aspect is most greatly reflected in the chapter The Devil is in the People. Pains writings were offered in such a way that made them easily digestible and comprehensible to the uneducated underclass, but he still provided poise and provocation that would entice citizens of greater status and intellect to read his pamphlet as well. Paine signed his work as the Englishman, a decision I think further solidified his position as an unbiased observer who truly was invested in providing the most honest and sensible testimony to the conflict between the oppressive English monarch and the burgeoning metropolises of America.Eventually, Pains ideologies became the basis of popular American beliefs. Prior to Common Sense there was not an utterance of independence or an American Republic. Paine was so effective in persuading the ide als of the people that the silent unspoken fear of independence was replaced with he clamor of revolutionary hordes charging congress of moving too slowly to declare it. And as one loyalist put it The Devil is in the People. (Nicholas Crewels pig. 13) of American literature was crafted not by a true blue Revolutionary, but by an unassuming English tax man. It doesnt exactly resonate with the concept of Taxation without Representation but, as Lie pointed out, that was never a fair slogan, or proper cause bellum (pig. 117), to represent the cause of liberation from the British. What Paine spoke of, and what Lie developed on, was much more armament than simple grudges over imbalanced levies and tariffs.Paine spoke of King George as an evil tyrant and of independence as not Just an American right, but as an egalitarian necessity for a new world era to begin for all mankind; an era in which no man is less than another, an era where all mens voices can be heard, and an era where no ones liberty or right to property can be taken from them. A new American country would become the template of liberty for other countries to follow. I also enjoyed Lieus final chapter where he divulges the perspective of the founding ethers on Paine and Common Sense.Benjamin Franklin seemingly surprised by the rise to fame of his fellow Whig, John Dams scorned by a lack of attention claiming Paine garnered an unfair amount of recognition, and George Washington reading Common Sense out loud to inspire and invigorate his otherwise disheartened troops are all illustrations of the monumental prominence of Pains contributions. Ultimately, despite all their efforts, none of our founding fathers had the propensity to galvanism the people for a cause as Thomas Paine did, and he did it with Just a little common sense.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Saif Asso Essays - Fashion, Fads, Body Piercing, Tattoo,
Saif Asso Professor Brender ENGL 1180 13 February 2015 "Judging by the cover " ( 661) Do first impressions matter ? They say you can't judge a book by its cover, yet we do make assumptions about people based on their cover every day. When we meet a person for the first time, image is everything, almost as the person is a product or basically a book. Although we cannot tell what the book contains inside, we often look at the outside. For example, physical appearance to give us clues about the person. A first impressio n is long lasting and has the power make or break a situation. Should physical appearance than dictate which jobs they're eligible for? Every individual has the right to be accepted. Our family and peers might do that but employers do not. Employe rs pay attention to clothing, piercings, hairstyle, and tattoos. We can never be too careful when trying to make a great impression. Maintaining a professional image could be difficult to some, as they like to express themselves with the images they want. The reality is that hiring managers are within their rights to not hire someone with a visible tattoo or facial piercings that believe could be offensive or appropriate in their workplace or with the customers. In fact, it's very common for employers to have a dress code policy that require employees to remove pierci ngs when working or cover tattoos with clothing or makeup as long as it is addressed in the employee handbook. If the business does not mention this policy, it is illegal for them to discriminate agai nst the employee. There is protected employment laws . Employers are not allowed to discriminate employees against age, gender, ethnicity, disability, age, or pregnancy. However, there are no laws that prohibit discrimination against tattoos, piercings, hairstyle, and so on. While it may not be fair to judge someone within a tattoo or piercing, it does happen. A lot of jobs require employees to be customer facing, having piercings, tattoos, and dramatic hair color could be disrupting to the customer and can create a bad image for the company. What's more important, body modifications or the chance of getting a job? Unnatural hair colors ( pink, blue, green, etc.) will be an issue for all employers, dramatic hairstyles, facial piercings, and tattoos are unnecessary. D ress and appearance presents us as a person. It just doesn't make sense to go into an in terview for a position with an appearance describing a person to be someone else. "It all comes down to this-there are plenty well-qualified of applicants and most present themselves in a way my industry considers professional, so there was no compelling reason to choose someone that will offend my customer or poorly represent my company."(662) While some employers are against bodyworks, piercings, and dramatic hair colors, others are embracing it. If the employees choose a position where they don't need to interact with customers, they have a better chance of not having problems at work. Some people pursue an artistic career, this might be the way they express themselves. There are careers that welcome art work and piercings. Tattoos and piercings are accepted in creative arts. For example, music, art, writing, acting, and painting. Body art and unusual hai r colors scream " I'm different". Every person has the right to create themselves as a person the way the want to. Having tattoos and piercings to some people are valuable, because it expresses their emotions, self-image, and memories. As an individual, they have the right to be the person they want to be. There was a law back then that said women should not wear pants at the workplace, as of now, it is acceptable. As generations develop, more and mor e employees are being faced with people that are this way. Which could change the employee's point of view. We as humans, are very judgmental People. Our sense of vision is very strong, and we tend to look at what's different than usual. Only if we can put judgments away and look deeper into everything we do or see. People should respect the way a person wants their
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Purple Fire - Easy Instructions for Colored Flames
Purple Fire - Easy Instructions for Colored Flames You can make purple fire yourself using common ingredients. Keep in mind purple is a tricky fire color to produce because there is no wavelength of light that is responsible for a color between red and violet, yet fire colors mostly are produced by the emission spectra of chemicals. In order to get purple, you need to produce violet flame and red flame. Purple Fire Ingredients You can burn the salts that produce the colors in any fire, but youll get the best results if you use a blue flame, like the type produced by lighter fluid or alcohol. Lighter fluid, alcohol or alcohol-based hand sanitizerLite salt (potassium chloride)Red emergency flare (contains strontium nitrate) Get Strontium From the Flare The emergency flare is a long cardboard tube with a striker at one end. Leave the striker end alone and use your fingers to peel away the bottom of the cardboard to reveal the powdery substance inside the flare. Collect this material in a bowl or plastic baggie. You only need a little, so store the rest for later. You can throw away the cardboard and striker (or save them for another project). Making the Purple Fire All you need to do is sprinkle some of the contents of the flare and some lite salt onto a fireproof surface, add the fuel and ignite the mixture. The proportions of the chemicals are a matter of personal preference. Add more lite salt if you want a more violet flame. If you want a reddish or pink flame, use a larger amount of flare content. Tips and Cautions Its fire, so treat it with respect. Further, be advised the flare contents will burn very brightly if you light them on their own. The best fuel for this project is diluted alcohol where water can moderate the rate of combustion. The flame in the picture uses an ethanol-based hand sanitizer. The project also works well with Ronsonol lighter fluid or with rubbing alcohol. However, lighting the mixture without the liquid fuel will give you just a bright red flame from the flare.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Eastern University Admissions and Tuition
Eastern University Admissions and Tuition Eastern University Admissions Overview: Eastern University is not highly selective, as it has a 61% acceptance rate. Students will generally need solid grades and test scores in order to be admitted. To apply, prospective students need to submit a completed application (online or through the mail), scores from the SAT or ACT, an academic reference, and a high school transcript. There is an essay question students can choose to respond to, although it is not required. Will You Get In? Calculate Your Chances of Getting In with this free tool from Cappex Admissions Data (2016): Eastern University Acceptance Rate: 61%Test Scores 25th / 75th PercentileSAT Critical Reading: 470 / 570SAT Math: 460 / 570SAT Writing: - / -What these SAT numbers meanACT Composite: 19 / 23ACT English: 18 / 24ACT Math: 17 / 25What these ACT numbers mean Eastern University Description: A Christian university affiliated with the American Baptist Churches USA, Eastern University is located on a suburban campus in St. Davids, Pennsylvania, just west of Philadelphia (see all Philadelphia area colleges). Started as a department of the Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary in 1925, the University became its own entity in 1952, moving to its present location. Eastern University is committed to an education grounded in Christian faith, reasoning, and justice. The main undergraduate campus offers 35 majors and 34 minors (some of the most common majors include business, finance, and ministry), and professional fields such as education and nursing are quite popular. The universitys 14 to 1 student to faculty ratio allows for small classes and opportunities for students to work with their professors on a more individual basis. On the athletic front, the Eastern Eagles compete in the NCAA Division III Middle Atlantic Conferences. The college fields seven mens and nine wome ns intercollegiate sports as well as several club sports. Enrollment (2016): Total Enrollment: 3,420 (2,082 undergraduate)Gender Breakdown: 30% Male / 70% Female85% Full-time Costs (2016 - 17): Tuition and Fees: $31,140Books: $1,200 (why so much?)Room and Board: $10,674Other Expenses: $3,330Total Cost: $46,344 Eastern University Financial Aid (2015- 16): Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 100%Percentage of New Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 100%Loans: 76%Average Amount of AidGrants: $21,137Loans: $8,316 Academic Programs: Most Popular Majors: Business Administration, Elementary Education, Nursing, Psychology, Youth MinistryWhat major is right for you? Sign up to take the free My Careers and Majors Quiz at Cappex. Transfer, Graduation and Retention Rates: First Year Student Retention (full-time students): 78%4-Year Graduation Rate: 55%6-Year Graduation Rate: 65% Intercollegiate Athletic Programs: Mens Sports: Track and Field, Baseball, Basketball, Golf, Soccer, Lacrosse, Tennis, Cross Country Womens Sports: Basketball, Volleyball, Tennis, Track and Field, Cross Country, Soccer, Field Hockey, Softball Data Source: National Center for Educational Statistics Eastern and the Common Application Eastern University uses the Common Application. These articles can help guide you: Common Application essay tips and samplesShort answer tips and samplesSupplemental essay tips and samples If You Like Eastern University, You May Also Like These Schools: Drexel University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphArcadia University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphLa Salle University: Profile Pennsylvania State University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphCabrini College: Profile Marywood University: Profile Albright College: Profile Shippenburg University of Pennsylvania: ProfileAlvernia University: Profile Temple University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphMessiah College: Profile Liberty University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphBloomsburg University of Pennsylvania: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT Graph
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Negotiation Post 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Negotiation Post 1 - Essay Example This meant that these applications had to be keenly scrutinized so as to ensure that credit facilities were only offered to those individuals with the capability of repaying the loan offered to them. During the course of my duties as a bank sales executive, I quickly learnt that the majority of our customers borrowed long term loans due to the prevailing financial downturn. Therefore, given the bigger size of long term loans compared to short term loans, I had to be extra careful as to which customers to extend the credit and who no to. This entailed observing the credit worthiness of the customers against their information in the credit bureaus as well as ensuring that they had the ability to repay the loans, given their current state of finances. The most difficult part of it all was to negotiate the terms of the loans with the customers and also attaching an asset that would act as security over the duration of the loan. Due to the economic meltdown, most financial institutions ha d increased the lending interest rates due to the increased demand for credit in the market. Consequently, with the increase in the total cost of borrowing, borrowers found the interest rates to be too high such that most negotiations conducted stalled. In order to not lose business for the bank, I had to find innovative ways of negotiating with the customers in such a way that the bank did not lose on interest but at the same time the customers felt that they had agreed on a good deal. Therefore, during negotiations I often offered customers longer periods of paying back the loans but on the other hand maintaining the interest levels as much as possible. During the economic meltdown period, banks were being faced with huge default rate levels since most borrowers were unable to pay back their loans. Therefore it was made essential to me that all the customers seeking credit had to be vetted and adequate security obtained on the loans they borrowed. I issued credit to only those cus tomers who had assets that were correctly valued to mirror the value of their loans. Although a daunting task at first since customers found ways of putting up undervalued assets, I later found it imperative to ensure that all assets had to be valued by a professional valuer at first before credit was extended to the customer. By so doing, the customers came to me only with certified copies of the valuer’s report showing the correct value of the asset vis-a-vis the loaned amount. This experience of negotiating with bank customers came to my mind while reading Stuart Diamond’s Getting More in relation to what he terms as â€Å"getting to know what you are getting into†. Negotiation Post 2 Stuart Diamond reiterates the importance of valuing the other party as well as developing trust in Getting More. This got me thinking of an incidence that happened over five years ago when I was volunteering in an orphanage in my hometown. This orphanage gave orphaned, abandoned and other underprivileged children a place to call home. It had touched my heart since I first set foot and had vowed that I will do my best to contribute to its endeavors in any little way that I could. At the orphanage, there was a young man called Andrew who always came during the weekends to volunteer. I later came to know that he was once in the orphanage when he was 5 years old when his single mother could not afford his upkeep and gave him away to the orphanage. After a few
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Week 6_ DQ Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Week 6_ DQ - Essay Example It is considered to be approximately 500 times the 3G speed. In addition, it applies internet protocol to make the connection and communication reliable. The levels of data transfer between the two networks differ. While third generation network can support 144 kbps, the fourth generation network do not have an exact rating but rather uses a series of standard depending on availability. In terms of coverage the 3G network outdo the 4G network by far since it is only a small number of centers in big cities that have implemented the lather whereas the 3G use is almost global. The stumbling block that affects the spread of 4G is the need for creation of more cell site that will accommodate it (Agbiny 2009) One strength that 4G has over 3G is its ability to accommodate and support large files. Making a video phone call is possible with the aid of high speed. In addition, one can download a video which is of high quality from the site such as YouTube and the download process will be uninterrupted. More so, one call also uploads large files directly via the 4G enabled phones with a lot of ease. Another difference is the frequency at which the two operates, while 4G runs at 1800 MHz and above; 3G has the highest frequency of 900 mhz. this implies that 4G can operate on dual band since it has short range. If the two are operating on the same network, 4G has higher speed of data transfer but when it comes to transferring of data through more than one media, 3G is averagely faster since it has a speed that is higher than 4G in some medium. Whereas many people go for 4G because of the misconceived idea that they are faster than 3G, it has a number of disadvantages since its application is still under taste. This is evident in the use of AT & T which is a 3G but provides a higher rate of data transfer than MetroPCS which is a 4G (Zheng2009 PBX or private branch exchange is a telephone switching system that belongs to a private
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Indinisation of jane austen Essay Example for Free
Indinisation of jane austen Essay In Gurinder Chadhas hands, Balraj (Bingley, Naveen Andrews) arrives in Amritsar from Los Angeles with the American hotelier Darcy (Mike Henderson). Balraj likes Maya (Jane, Meghna Kothari), and there is tension, or in Amritsari, tashn between Darcy and Lalita (Elizabeth, Aishwarya Rai). But Balraj and Darcy return to LA and it is only after the Bakshi sisters visit London and LA on the invitation of Kohli (Collins, Nitin Ganatra) that some sort of crisis develops by way of a punch-up between Darcy and Wickham (Daniel Gillies) in a cinema hall and successive slaps for Wickham from two Miss Bakshis. The plot does not make a film any more than it does a novel. The quality of the novel is in the texture of the interaction among characters and their ideas. Now be sincere, Elizabeth says to Darcy in the end. Did you admire me for my impertinence? For the liveliness of your mind, I did, Darcy replies. It is largely Austens creation of that mind that gives Pride and Prejudice its character, and makes of it such a celebrated novel. The film script is another story. In snobbery as directed by Chadha, Darcy wants to know if its safe to eat a pakora because he doesnt want Delhi belly on his first day in India. He says rude things about arranged marriages. Lalita defends it as a global dating service, and so no different from western ways. Darcy says people pay $500 a day for one of his hotel rooms. Thats more than what a lot of Indians earn in a year, Lalita replies by way of lively repartee. Nothing wrong in having standards, he says. So long as you dont impose them on others, replies she. Later, Darcy gallantly gives his first-class seat to Mrs Bakshi to seat himself next to Lalita in economy class when they all happen to meet at Heathrow en route to LA. How can anyone sleep in economy class, Darcy wants to know. Lively Lalita says she will sleep 10 hours in a 10-hour, 53-minute flight. A film that grandly declares itself inspired by Austens novel deserved something better than this for screenplay. After taking on an interesting idea, Chadha deserved to give herself a better scriptwriter than herself. Some of the better lines come straight from the novel; pity that Austen could provide no NRI material for Chadha to lift. What should have been the strength of a film like this emerges as its weakest link. Austen aside, its hard to see what this kind of script can do for anyone other than feeding a British audience yet more cliches of their idea of ways Indian. This is the flip side of Indianising icons; every such feed adds to a reduction. Within this adventure, Indianness is reduced, and by the same failing, Elizabeth is reduced. Far from the style of Elizabeth, Lalita emerges as a singularly dumb creature. Here Aishwarya, such as she is, seems to fit the script, such as it is. She never gets past that look-at-doe-eyed-me look. She rode a chariot that her admirers made for her when she became Miss World, and she hasnt gotten off it yet. She looks afraid that a real expression would mark her as a woman of the world rather than the lady on the chariot. Her expressions seem to halt in the early stages of formation; who knows which particular look might trap her in an unflattering snapshot? She travels the world a prisoner of her facial paint. Chadhas shadow of the book limps along in faltering episodes that fail to hold together, or to hold the audience. The characters only move from one country to another without appearing much moved in their selves. At the heart of the story is the idea of giving up pride and letting go of prejudices. Elizabeth sees how hearsay and her own misjudgement led her away from truth. She thinks she was blind, partial, prejudiced, absurd, I, who prided myself on my discernment. Nothing much happens to Chadhas characters. Theyre comfortable passengers (pardon the Punjabi! ), just transferring from a jumbo jet to a couple of elephants in Amritsar for the shaadi in the end. The faux-Bollywood style doesnt quite pull off either. The song-and-dance sequences seem to follow the dumb end of Bollywood style. Coming to Bollywood, as it has so regrettably come to be known, the film probably needed Madhuri Dixit, and screenplay of the Farhan Akhtar class. The script is self-consciously synthetic, the lyrics flat when audible, the music forgotten as you hear it, the film forgettable once youve seen it. The idea of adaptation wasnt bad, the adaptation is. It is a translation that fails both languages.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
How can the role of leadership be best understood in organizational cha
The role of leadership can best be understood in organizational change as a multi-dimensional phenomenon. Depending on the conceptualisation of organizational change you adopt, the leader’s role could be perceived to be a variety of things, from that of an initiator/visionary, the influencer of culture, a trigger for follower organizational identification, someone who redefines resistance, or a sense maker who introduces new discourses. The most useful approach can be to consider an issue from a number of different theoretical points of view before determining the most effective intervention. Leadership has been conceived of in a multitude of different ways varying from Great man theory (Borgatta, Bales and Couch, 1954; Cawthon, 1996), trait theories (), and style theories (). More recent conceptualisations of leadership include contingency theory (), and transformational leadership (). Each of these theoretical models has a contribution to make in forming a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between leadership and organizational change and we shall explore how adopting a definition for leadership or organizational change infers the role of the other. However we define leadership, the concepts of organizational change and leadership can be argued to be inextricably linked. If a leader was not able to effect any change within an organization then it is hard to imagine a way in which such a leader could be effective in their role. Thus organizational change is at the very heart of a leader’s role. This paper will argue that a pluralist approach to understanding leadership’s role in organizational change possesses the greatest utility in informing practice. In doing so, it will present a number of different concepts ... ...ind of universal sense as in doing so, one ‘mistakes the map for the terrain’. The role of leadership in organizational change is a multi-dimensional phenomenon which, it has been argued in this paper, can be most usefully understood by employing a pluralist perspective. That is to say, ‘a pluralist approach of comparing multiple plausible models of reality is essential for developing objective scientific knowledge’ (Campbell, 1988: 389, in Van de Ven & Poole, 2005). While there are a plethora of lens through which to understand both leadership and change it is more useful to consider a range of perspectives and only then assess the utility of each perspective and it’s appropriateness for informing a real world intervention. In the words of Pettigrew (2001) â€Å"In the absence of unambiguous foundational truth †¦ the only sensible way forward can be conscious pluralism."
Monday, November 11, 2019
Islamic Influences On The Renaissance
Islamic Influences On The Renaissance BY Ashley Islamic Influences on the Renaissance Islam is a religion that is almost as old as Christianity itself. The two are very closely related, with only a few differences; the two key differences concern the Godhead being a single being rather than a Trig-Un entity like the Christians believe, and who exactly was the Chosen Prophet of God. As these differences are tantamount in each faith and are conflicting, it is natural to assume that both faiths would be at constant odds with one another.History offers more than enough material to back up that lain, but the focus of this paper will not be the conflict of the faiths. Instead it will focus on the Islamic influences on the Renaissance period of Europe. However, the two faiths don't want to coexist with each other, so when one gains power, they eliminate the other's influence to the best of their ability. There are two key factors in which Islam left a very lasting mark that cannot be ignore d and discarded, no matter the effort put into doing so.Education and architecture are two aspects of culture in which Islam left an influence on cultures and faiths all across the globe, including Christianity. To understand why Islam played such a big role in the fields of education and architecture, it must first be understood what Islam is and where it came from. Islam is a faith that traces its origin to Abraham, who is said to have established the original covenant with his God. This God is placed at the center of all Abraham religions. Therefore, God is the center of Islamic practices and beliefs.The major beliefs, as mentioned above, are that God is only one being, a complete, all- powerful, single deity. There are several other aspects to Islam than those that have been described here, but none of which are important. The only attribute of Islam that is relevant to this discussion is the fact the faith and reason go hand-in-hand in Islam. Muslims were encouraged to pursue k nowledge of the natural world around them. This helped them gain an appreciation for the intricate and harmonious nature that can be found in God, or as He is known in Islam, Allah.There is a period in time in which the Islamic world experienced something akin to the Renaissance of the 14th – 17th centuries. This period is known as the Islamic Golden Age. While the Renaissance was a time of cultural growth in the fields of the humanities by taking lassie aspects from history and building off of them -imitating and innovating, the Islamic Golden Age was also a time of cultural growth in every sense of the religion – particularly in the fields of academia.The movement can be seen in establishments such as the House of Wisdom that the Muslims built in Baghdad. The Muslims quest for knowledge was not only limited to their own discoveries and libraries; they sought to bring all the knowledge of the world under one roof. Baghdad was not the only city to become such a great c enter for learning; cities throughout the Islamic empire allowed suit and became centers for learning for Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Cities that rivaled Baghdad were the city of Egypt and the city of CORBA in Al- Andalusia (â€Å"Islamic Golden Age. Www. Electroluminescent. Com). For five centuries, the Islamic empire as a whole enjoyed phenomenal growth in every aspect of culture. The Islamic people not only developed the academic side of their culture, they developed the humanitarian side as well. Most of the areas in the humanities will have little effect on the main idea of this paper except for one; the only area of once is the architectural style that the Islamic people developed that would influence the Renaissance period that comes to mind in the Western World.To better understand how Islam played a part in Renaissance architecture, Gothic architecture must be discussed and understood. The architecture style that was imitated and innovated in the Renaissance was the Got hic style. The features that define this architectural style are the ribbed vaults, flying buttresses, and mostly notably the point arch. Each of these features made it possible for architects to design and build taller buildings than the Romanesque style allowed. The definitions for each of the elements of Gothic architecture will come from the Encyclopedia Britannica website.A ribbed vault is defined as follows: â€Å"arching and intersecting stone ribs support a vaulted ceiling surface that is composed of mere thin stone panels, which greatly reduced the weight the vault's weight. †(â€Å"Gothic Art. †Encyclopedia Britannica. ). The next feature of Gothic architecture to be defined in the Encyclopedia Britannica is the flying buttress. â€Å"A structure consisting of an inclined bar carried on a half arch that extends, or â€Å"flies,†from the upper part of a wall to a pier some distance away and aeries the thrust of a roof or vault.A pinnacle often crown s the pier, adding weight and enhancing stability. The design increased the supporting power of the buttress and allowed for the creation of the high-ceiling churches. †(â€Å"Gothic Art. †Encyclopedia Britannica. ). The third, and most important, feature of the architectural style to be defined is the pointed arch. The importance and significance of this feature is pointed out by many scholars and architects. At About. Com Architecture, there is an article specifically about pointed arches, and we can see this claim manifested.During the Gothic era, builders discovered that pointed arches would give structures amazing strength and stability. They experimented with varying steepness, and â€Å"experience had shown them that pointed arches thrust out less than circular arches,†says famed architect and engineer Mario Salvador. â€Å"The main difference between Romanesque and Gothic arches lies in the pointed shape of the latter, which, besides introducing a new aesthetic dimension, has the important consequence of reducing the arch thrusts by as much as fifty percent. In Gothic buildings, the weight of the roof was supported by the arches rather than the walls. This meant that walls could be thinner. †(â€Å"Gothic Style Architecture. †About. Com. ). This is where some scholars argue that the Islamic world had an influence on the Western architectural style. Some believe that this feature came from all the conquests of Islamic cities and towns, such as the Crusades. But there is strong evidence that the pointed arch was being employed in Islamic architecture before it became to be part of the Western styles, such as the Gothic architectural style.Examples of this claim are the Lazar of Seville and the True Cathedral in Spain. By these two examples, we can see that the Islamic influence in Western Europe from the seventh century onward played a crucial role in the influencing of the development of the Gothic architectural st yle. It is through these early influences that the Islam Empire managed to leave their mark on the Christian Renaissance that would come a few centuries later. The Renaissance took the Gothic architecture style and built its own style using the Gothic one as a base.The style that came out of Renaissance Italy came to be known as the Renaissance architectural style. The innovation that the Renaissance style made upon its Gothic base was to go back to the roots of antiquity. Referring to the Metropolitan Museum of Art weeping, an article on renaissance architecture provides a definition of what the Renaissance architectural style emphasized; â€Å"Classical orders and architectural elements such as columns, pilasters, pediments, interrelates, arches, and domes form the vocabulary of Renaissance buildings†¦As in the Classical world, Renaissance architecture is characterized by harmonious form, mathematical proportion, and a unit of measurement based on the human scale. †(à ¢â‚¬Å"Architecture in Renaissance Italy. Muteness. Org. ). This was the first form of an architectural style from the Renaissance period that used the Gothic style as its base. Another style to innovate on the Gothic architectural style came in the later part of the sixteenth century that was very widely used in Spain during the Spanish Golden Age, which is alternatively known as the Spanish Renaissance.The Baroque style evolved from the Gothic style and was widely favored by the architects in Spain. The Baroque style, as defined by the Encyclopedia Britannica weeping, emphasizes: â€Å"Complex architectural plan shapes, often based on the oval, ND the dynamic opposition and interpenetration of spaces were favored to heighten the feeling of motion and sensuality. Other characteristic qualities include grandeur, drama and contrast (especially in lighting), courageousness, and an often dizzying array of rich surface treatments, twisting elements, and gilded statuary.Architects unabas hedly applied bright colors and illusory, vividly painted ceilings. †(â€Å"Baroque Architecture. †Encyclopedia Britannica. ). Even this style, however, found itself being innovated upon during the Spanish Golden Age. There were two styles that came room the Baroque style, the Hearing style and the Churchgoers style. The Hearing style is defined as being â€Å"extremely sober, naked, and particularly accomplished in the use of granite ashlars work. †(â€Å"Hearing. †Boundless. Mom) The later style to come from the Baroque style, the Churchgoers style, was much more preferred to the former due to the sociopolitical application of it. The Churchgoers style is defined in the Encyclopedia Britannica as follows; â€Å"In addition to a plethora of compressed ornament, surfaces bristle with such devices as broken pediments, undulating ironies, reversed volutes, balustrades, stucco shells, and garlands. Restraint was totally abandoned in a conscious effort to overwhelm the spectator. (â€Å"Churlishness Architecture. †Encyclopedia Britannica. ). The reason the Churlishness style was preferred is that it allowed the patron, which was the church in most cases, to design and build buildings that were extravagant and grand. These were seen as symbols of the patron's status and power in society. A good example of Just how the Churlishness was used can be seen in the Cathedral of Santiago De Composites. A picture of this building can be found in the appendix of this paper.The reason that all of this discussion of the many architectural styles to come out of the Renaissance period is that even the last to be discussed, the Churlishness style, still incorporates the pointed arches of the Islamic-influenced Gothic style. The feature that can be dated back to the seventh century has lasted throughout the centuries and found itself still being implemented a thousand years later. The reason being is that the arch was based upon extensive st udy of architecture by the Muslims. Studying the world around them is what the Muslims did, and did well, for several reasons.The Muslims studied much more than Just architecture, they studied all the subjects; science, art, ethics, etc. It is through their academic studies that Muslims and the Islamic Empire continued to influence the Renaissance. During the Islamic Golden Age, scholars had to have many skills to be an effective and contributory part of society and solve whatever problems that arose. These men who had a wide range of skills to draw from are known as Polymaths, or Renaissance Men as they have been introduced in class.These Renaissance Men, or as they were called in the Islamic world, Hakes, had backgrounds and working knowledge bases for various fields of art and academia. As an interesting side note, in the research material I have gathered there is special mention of Leonardo dad Vinci when explaining what a Polymath is. This must go to show how much respect Leona rdo dad Vinci gained all around the world, and not Just within Christian circles and history books. Getting back to the topic at hand, Hakes were held in higher regard for their efforts of trying to further man's understanding of the world around them.This was particularly done through the fields of science. In science, Muslims had managed to make leaps and bounds over the Christian portion of the world. One ay that Muslims had left their mark in this area of study was in the field of optics. According to the website Collaborationist's. Com; â€Å"Bin al-Hath (Lazed) wrote the Book of Optics, in which he significantly reformed the field of optics, empirically proved that vision occurred because of light rays entering the eye, and invented the camera obscure to demonstrate the physical nature of light rays. (â€Å"Islamic Golden Age -Science. †â€Å"Collaborationist's. Com. ). In the same section he is described as the â€Å"first scientist†for his scientific method , in which he had shifted focus from human perception to empirical evidence. â€Å"Islamic Golden Age -Science. †â€Å"Collaborationist's. Com. ). A version of the scientific method based off of Bin al- Hatchway's would soon be realized in the Christian world when they Renaissance would come about. In that quote from the website, there was mention of a device that is known as the camera obscure.This device was one of many to come from the Islamic Golden Age. For a short comprehensive list of technological advances to come from the Islamic Golden Age include: â€Å"†¦ The camera obscure, coffee, soap bar, tooth paste, shampoo, distilled alcohol, uric acid, nitric acid, alembic, valve, reciprocating action piston pump, mechanized water clocks, quilting, surgical catgut, vertical-axle windmill, inoculation, cryptanalysis, frequency analysis, three-course meal, stained glass and quartz glass, Persian carpet, and celestial globe. â€Å"Islamic Golden Age – Technolo gy. †â€Å"Collaborationist's. Com. ). There are several other inventions that were adopted and implemented by the West before the Renaissance came to be, such as the modernized astrolabe and the hybrid Utrecht. These technologies were around from before the Islamic Empire, but the Muslims innovated upon them ND made them much more effective and easier to use. It is safe to say at this point that the Islamic Golden Age could very well be called the Islamic Renaissance if they had wanted to revive the memories and themes of the past.Fortunately, all they saw was the need to move forward and give the people of the world a better understanding of the world around them. When it comes to science they didn't take the field lightly. That is why they improved on the astrolabe, so that this little tool can provide a better understanding of the cosmos. The field of astronomy in the time of the Islamic Golden Age was based upon the eccentric model, in which the earth was the center of the universe.The technological advances made in the time period and the brilliant minds from different cultures all over the world help dispel some of the possible misconceptions that the field of astronomy had at the time. Ptolemy studies and models were taken gathered by the Hakes and corrected. New fields on astronomy were also introduced, such as the field of astrophysics and celestial mechanics. Several notable Hakes were instrumental in the advancement of the field of astronomy. The evidence for these claims will be cited from Collaborationist's. Mom; ††¦ After Japer Muhammad bin MÃ'Ëœs ¤ bin SSH ¤Kirk discovered that the heavenly bodies and celestial spheres were subject to the same physical laws as Earth, the first elaborate experiments related to astronomical phenomena, the use of exacting empirical observations and experimental techniques, the discovery that the celestial spheres are not solid and that the heavens are less dense than the air by Bin al-Hath, the separation of natural philosophy from astronomy by Bin al-Hath and Bin al- Shasta, the first non-Ptolemaic models by Bin al-Hath and Maddeningly Urdu, he rejection of the Ptolemaic model on empirical rather than philosophical grounds by Bin al-Shasta, the first empirical observational evidence of the Earth's rotation by Nanas al-Din al-TÃ'Ëœis and All Squish, and al-Birdbrain's early hypothesis on â€Å"circular inertia. †. (â€Å"Islamic Golden Age -Astronomy. †â€Å"Collaborationist's. Com. ). These individuals are part of a movement that may be called the, â€Å"Scientific Revolution before the Renaissance,†as it is claimed on the Collaborationist's. Com website. Other names for this movement are based upon the school that these scholars originated from, the Marsha School. Other advancements that came from this school deal with the theory of heliocentric vs.. Geocentricism. While there was never any general consensus about which theory was â€Å"cor rect,†there were experiments done in which the results that were produced supported the theory of heliocentric.This theory was later reinforced by the experiments of Galileo and other astronomers of the Renaissance period. These claims, however, were shunned by society for religious reasons. In order for the field of astronomy to be better understood, there had to be advancements in the mathematical formulas and equations to better explain the phenomena that astronomy presented. The field of mathematics was greatly influence by Islam. The most important of all the advancements made by the Muslims was the development of algebra. There were several other advancements made in terms of the calculus, trigonometry, geometry, and other aspects of mathematics, and each of them in turn were innovated upon by mathematicians during the Renaissance period.Mathematicians from here focused more on the practical application of math than the theory that the Muslims had focused on. These can be seen in the addition mathematical operators such as plus and minus, as well as new grouping structures such as the cube and square roots of numbers. Algebra however, became a cornerstone for the mathematical field ever since its development in the Islamic Empire. Without it, the other areas of math, like trigonometry and geometry, would have had to base their operations in a different model. Other ways to use mathematics other than in the field of astronomy is in the field of medicine. Medicine is largely dependent upon the culture in the ancient times.When the Muslims introduced science into the field, it became more universal across the ultras of the world. Before Islamic influence, there were physicians whose sole responsibility was to oversee the diagnosis and treatment of illnesses. The methods employed by these physicians largely depended upon the physician himself. With Islamic influence, treatments of physicians were given more specific quantity and type of medicine to tr eat a specific illness. This revolutionized the medical world by leaps and bounds all across the world. These mathematical applications also allowed for timeliness to be given to illnesses to better determine the stage of an illness based upon the symptoms displayed at the time of diagnosis.One aspect of the medical field that was improved upon by the Muslims and improved upon again by Renaissance men, women and scholars was surgery. The Muslims improved surgery by introducing the practice of dissecting bodies that had recently passed to determine what the cause of death was, the autopsy. Another practice the Muslims had introduces was quarantine. This could have come in handy in the later Middle Ages when the bubonic plague ran rampant across the region. Muslims were also very good at drawing elementary diagrams of carious bodily functions and systems, such as the circulatory system of the human body. One Renaissance scholar managed to use this information and build upon it.Miguel Server was the first person in recorded history to describe pulmonary circulation of the human body. To explain such a thing, the physician would most likely have a working knowledge base of the field of physics. Physics in itself is a universal subject, but in pre-Renaissance times it largely depended upon the accepted social views and on their understanding of natural philosophy. Islam managed to separate the two in a much more effective way than previous attempts had done. The experimental methods that were used by the Hakes allowed for a much more structured and detailed look into the mechanics behind the physical world. One Hacked in particular was fundamental in advancing the field of physics during the Islamic Golden Age.Bin al-Hath (mentioned earlier who revolutionized the field of optics) is the key player in the advancement of physics. His early version of the empirical scientific method was crucial in moving forward. Bin al-Hath, along with several other Hakes, had formed crude theories of the laws of the physical world, which Isaac Newton would finalize and come known for. Muslims are also known for their contributions to the arts, but unfortunately the Christian and Islamic view of the arts and humanities varied and often conflicted. In Christianity, the creation and possession of symbols and depictions of God and other Holy things is perfectly acceptable, and at some points in time actually encouraged and enforced.In Islam, it is almost forbidden for there to be any visual interpretation of God and His realm. The Islamic way to portray God in art was by way of calligraphy and the dome that is present on every Islamic mosque. It is because of this conflict, both in traditions and in beliefs, that one will have a very difficult time trying to make any connections during a specific period in time. During the Renaissance period, it is almost nonexistent. Islam definitely had influence on earlier artwork due to the heavy Islamic presence throughout th e Iberian Peninsula, northern Africa, and Spanish regions. As far as the Renaissance goes, they wanted to go back to the roots of antiquity, not the recent past.Islamic art did actively influence the Renaissance through architecture by way of the pointed arch however. Muslims also made huge advancements in the areas of scientific study, particularly those of astronomy, mathematics, medicine, and physics. These advancements were built upon and innovated even more when the Renaissance men and women came to their own conclusions on the subjects; Galileo on astronomy, Copernicus in mathematics, Server in medicine, and Newton in physics. These Renaissance men are but a few of the many influential figures who were a part of the Renaissance. It is through the fields of academia that Islam had the biggest influence of the Renaissance, and it is a fact that needs to be more widely known.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Gold on Trees
Have you ever said â€Å"I wish money could grow on trees? †Well that could actually be true! Geoscientist Melvyn Lintern was the author of â€Å"Gold Particles Found in Leaves of Eucalyptus Trees. †This article was published in Science News magazine on October 23, 2013 and retrieved online at http://www. sci-news. com, on January 16, 2014. Melvyn Lintern from CSIRO (Commonwealth Science and Industrial Research Organization) Earth Science and Resource Engineering explored the gold particles in leaves of the eucalyptus trees in Australia.The article was written to let people know that leaves or soil underneath these trees could show gold that was buried underground. The gold discovered was up to 60 million years old. Geoscientists used the Maia detector to explore the soil. The Maia detector is an imaging system, which uses an x-ray microprobe, (a device used to stimulate radiation by a material in order to determine chemical or elemental composition). The Maia detecto r is similar to an x-ray machine. It allows you to see through leaves and determine their chemical or mineral composition.This is where the gold particles were found. The article also explained how the Eucalyptus tree acted like a hydraulic pump, (related to a liquid moving in a confined space under pressure), because its roots extend deep in the ground and draw up water containing the gold. Since gold can be toxic to the tree, it doesn’t stay in one spot; it moves to the leaves and branches where it can be released or shed to the ground. Article Analysis This is a new topic because before the Maia detector, the gold in the leaves was invisible and there was no way of detecting it, so this is a brand new discovery.The author of the Sci-News. com article did a good job explaining the information in a way that everyone could read and understand. Dr. Lintern said that, â€Å"Leaves could be used in combination with other tools as a more cost effective and environmentally friend ly exploration technique. †He also pointed out that, â€Å"Eucalpytus trees are so common that this technique could be widely applied across Australia and could also be used to find other metals such as zinc and copper. †Dr. Melvyn Lintern was the lead writer of this article and his quotes were chosen because they talk.About four important things: 1. How leaves can be used with other tools for exploring with the Maia detector; 2. The Maia detector makes this type of exploration friendly to the environment; 3. It is cost effective, and 4. The same technique could also be used to find other metals. This information is important to the environment because now it has been proven that you can get samples without destroying the land by drilling many holes and it also makes exploration if minerals quicker and less expensive.Unfortunately no one will grow rich looking for gold in leaves, since the gold found is about the size of a nano-nugget, which is a billionth in diameter and in this case, only 1/5 the diameter of a piece of human hair, (which is very, very tiny). This was a very interesting article to read. This discovery is so important to our economy and environment. It will help mining companies figure out where they can find more gold and other minerals just by examining plants and leaves. And most importantly, geoscientists have figured out a way to get these samples without unnecessary drilling which will help protect our environment.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on The Possibility Of Evil
In the short story â€Å"The Possibility of Evil†by Shirley Jackson, Miss Adela Strangeworth is an elderly woman living on Pleasant Street who is known for her beautiful roses. The setting is taking place in a close-knit town, which plays the essential role in her motives for evil. Strangeworth thinks she owns the town and everyone inside it. She believes there to be great evil among everyone but, herself. She writes letters throughout the story to people in her town and telling them all the negatives about them. She doesn’t postmark her name so no one is to know who is writing them these letters. She leaves them to believe it could never be her nor would she want it to be her to be blamed for such a thing. Until, she mistakenly drops one of the letters and is seen doing it. Strangeworth goes about her everyday with having her usual trips downtown to the grocery and making sure to say hello to everyone she passes. She makes comments to everyone whether it is negative or not she is always being the judge of character. Adela Strangeworth’s role was one she chose herself. . Adela Strangeworth was involved with everyone’s business, â€Å"This was, after all, her town, and these were her people; if one of them was in trouble, she ought to know about it†(JACKSON 469). She wrote them secret, mean and hateful letters in reciprocation to their evil actions, which began to ruin their lives. Her nosiness, not the towns, drove her to her final fate. Adela Strangeworth resorts to evil actions in order to gain control over what she desired. â€Å"Her letters all dealt with the more negotiable stuff of suspicion†(JACKSON 467), the letters she writes are all assumptions, lacking evidence and facts for such accusations. Adela Strange worth’s acts were so cruel in the public’s eye that they destroy her rose bushes. The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines cruel as â€Å" causing pain and suffering to others†(DICTONARY 189). Her decisi... Free Essays on The Possibility Of Evil Free Essays on The Possibility Of Evil In the short story â€Å"The Possibility of Evil†by Shirley Jackson, Miss Adela Strangeworth is an elderly woman living on Pleasant Street who is known for her beautiful roses. The setting is taking place in a close-knit town, which plays the essential role in her motives for evil. Strangeworth thinks she owns the town and everyone inside it. She believes there to be great evil among everyone but, herself. She writes letters throughout the story to people in her town and telling them all the negatives about them. She doesn’t postmark her name so no one is to know who is writing them these letters. She leaves them to believe it could never be her nor would she want it to be her to be blamed for such a thing. Until, she mistakenly drops one of the letters and is seen doing it. Strangeworth goes about her everyday with having her usual trips downtown to the grocery and making sure to say hello to everyone she passes. She makes comments to everyone whether it is negative or not she is always being the judge of character. Adela Strangeworth’s role was one she chose herself. . Adela Strangeworth was involved with everyone’s business, â€Å"This was, after all, her town, and these were her people; if one of them was in trouble, she ought to know about it†(JACKSON 469). She wrote them secret, mean and hateful letters in reciprocation to their evil actions, which began to ruin their lives. Her nosiness, not the towns, drove her to her final fate. Adela Strangeworth resorts to evil actions in order to gain control over what she desired. â€Å"Her letters all dealt with the more negotiable stuff of suspicion†(JACKSON 467), the letters she writes are all assumptions, lacking evidence and facts for such accusations. Adela Strange worth’s acts were so cruel in the public’s eye that they destroy her rose bushes. The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines cruel as â€Å" causing pain and suffering to others†(DICTONARY 189). Her decisi...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Cuánto se demora sacar la visa americana no inmigrante
Cunto se demora sacar la visa americana no inmigrante Los trmites para la visa americana no inmigrante se pueden demorar varias semanas, dependiendo del consulado o embajada en el que se solicita. Pero es posible estimar cuntos dà as pasan desde el dà a en que se inician los trmites al de la entrevista. A partir de la entrevista, la respuesta es rpida o incluso inmediata, tanto la aprobacià ³n como la denegacià ³n. La excepcià ³n son los casos en los que la solicitud entra en una fase de demora administrativa. En este artà culo se explican cà ³mo verificar el tiempo de demora segà ºn el tipo de visa y consulado, quà © puede suceder despuà ©s de la entrevista, cul es el formulario adicional conocido como DS-5535 que puede pedir el oficial consular y por quà © es recomendable solicitar la visa con tiempo suficiente antes de la fecha planeada para viajar a Estados Unidos y por quà © no se deben comprar los boletos antes de tener la visa aprobada en mano. En el caso de estar interesados en la visa de inmigrante para la tarjeta de residencia permanente este artà culo no aplica. En otras palabras, la informacià ³n que se detalla a continuacià ³n aplica solamente a las visas no inmigrante como, por ejemplo, la de turista, estudiante, trabajo temporal, inversià ³n, intercambio, etc. Cà ³mo verificar eltiempo de demora de los trmites para la visa Desde que una persona solicita una cita para la visa hasta que obtiene el visado transcurren varios dà as, o incluso meses. Todo depende de la Embajada o Consulado en el que se haga la gestià ³n, del tipo de visa y tambià ©n de las caracterà sticas personales del solicitante. Para saber con bastante exactitud cunto hay que esperar desde que se hacen la citas para las visas hasta que se realizan las entrevistas en la oficina consular se puede consultar la herramienta que el Departamento de Estado ha creado para este fin. Simplemente se debe buscar en la cajita que aparece en esa pgina de internet el nombre de la ciudad en la que est ubicada la oficina consular a la que corresponde decidir si concede o rechaza la solicitud de visa. Una vez elegida la ciudad, aparecer una estimacià ³n en dà as sobre el tiempo que hay que esperar hasta que se realiza la entrevista. Aparecern varias estimaciones, dependiendo del tipo de visa que se solicita. Ejemplos de tiempos de demora segà ºn los consulados Por ejemplo en el momento en que se escribià ³ este artà culo, si una persona en Bogot, Colombia, solicita una visa de turista, deber esperar 22 dà as naturales (segà ºn la fecha en la que este artà culo fue escrito. Verificar el actual) para ser entrevistado en la Embajada americana y otros dos dà as laborales para que se procese su peticià ³n, si es aprobada. Pero si solicita una visa de estudiante, la espera para la entrevista se reduce a siete dà as naturales, precisando dos dà as laborales para procesar la visa aprobada. Sin embargo, en Buenos Aires la peticià ³n de entrevista para una visa de turista es de 29 dà as naturales y el procesamiento de las aprobadas es de cinco dà as laborales. Dà as naturales y laborales en la tramitacià ³n de las visas Es conveniente prestar atencià ³n a la distincià ³n entre dà as naturales (calendar days) y dà as laborales (workdays). Cuando se habla de los primeros, se cuentan todos los dà as, incluidos los sbados, domingos y feriados. Por el contrario, si se refiere a dà as laborales se computa sà ³lo de lunes a viernes, excluyendo los feriados de Estados Unidos y los del paà s en los que se encuentra la oficina consular. Quà © pasa despuà ©s de la entrevista en el consulado Pueden darse 4 situaciones: En primer lugar, la visa es aprobada. Aunque cada consulado tiene un trmite distinto para entregar a su dueà ±o el pasaporte con la visa estampada en general puede hablarse que toma menos de siete dà as. Estas son las posibilidades se tiene de que aprueben la visa de turista segà ºn el consulado en que se solicita. En segundo lugar, la visa entra en trmite administrativo. Es decir, no es aprobada ni rechazada. Es lo que se conoce como procedimiento administrativo 221g. La razà ³n es que se requiere realizar ms investigacià ³n antes de llegar a una conclusià ³n final. Esta es una razà ³n muy importante para no dejar la solicitud de la visa para à ºltima hora, ya que puede surgir este problema. En tercer lugar, que el oficial consular pida que se llene un nuevo formulario, que se detalla en el siguiente apartado y que incluye informacià ³n sobre redes sociales. En cuarto lugar, la solicitud de visa es rechazada. Las causas pueden ser muy variadas. Estas son las 20 ms comunes. por causa de inelegibilidad. Adems, hay que tener en cuenta estas 22 causas que convierten a una persona en inadmisible para Estados Unidos y que por lo tanto hacen que la visa no se apruebe, no se renueve e incluso que teniendo visa vigente se niegue la entrada cuando se llega al control migratorio en la aduana americana. En los casos de negacià ³n de la visa, es importante saber cundo se puede volver a solicitarla y quà © debe cambiar para tener à ©xito en la nueva peticià ³n. Formulario solicitando informacià ³n sobre redes sociales El oficial consular est autorizada a pedir que se llene un nuevo formulario en el que se solicita, entre otras, la siguiente informacià ³n: Lugares de trabajo y residencia durante los à ºltimos 15 aà ±osPaà ses que se han visitado en los à ºltimos 15 aà ±osTodos los nà ºmeros de los pasaportes que se hayan utilizado previamente al actualTodas las cuentas de correo electrà ³nico que se han tenido en los à ºltimos 15 aà ±osTodas las cuentas que se han tenido en redes sociales como Facebook, Instagram o Twitter en los à ºltimos 5 aà ±os. En principio est previsto que los oficiales consulares soliciten que se rellene el formulario DS-5535 solo en los casos en los que la identidad del solicitante pueda confundirse con la de otra persona o en supuestos que afectan a la seguridad de los Estados Unidos, incluidos los casos de pertenencia a pandillas. Este formulario es relativamente nuevo y, por lo tanto, se desconoce cunto tiempo demorar en ser tramitada y verificada la informacià ³n que contiene, por lo que no se puede estimar el tiempo de demora para sacar la visa en los casos en los que el oficial consular pida este documento. El solicitante de la visa puede negarse a dar la informacià ³n, pero la visa no ser aprobada. En la actualidad, el gobierno de Estados Unidos est intentando implementar como obligatorio la comunicacià ³n de todos los nombres usados redes sociales, correos electrà ³nicos y telà ©fonos por parte de todos los solicitantes de visas, tanto inmigrantes como no inmigrantes. De tener à ©xito, afectarà a a 700 mil potenciales inmigrantes y 14 millones de visitantes temporales anualmente. Sin embargo, un nutrido grupo de organizaciones de defensa de las libertades civiles e individuales se est oponiendo a esta medida. Situaciones de urgencia y quià ©n puede viajar a USA sin visa Si se presentase la necesidad de obtener una visa urgentemente es posible solicitar una visa humanitaria en casos muy limitados. Chilenos y espaà ±oles pueden viajar a Estados Unidos sin visa para hacer turismo o para negocios. Si llegan por avià ³n, necesitan una Autorizacià ³n Electrà ³nica conocida como ESTA. Este es el listado completo de paà ses cuyos ciudadanos pueden viajar sin visa. En el caso de personas de doble nacionalidad, es importante saber cunto se puede ingresar sin visa a los Estados Unidos. En la actualidad, las personas que pueden viajar sin visa y rellenan el formulario ESTA se encuentran con una pregunta opcional en la que se solicita sus nombres en redes sociales. Test de respuestas mà ºltiples Se recomienda tomar este test de 19 preguntas que sirve para comprobar los conocimientos bsicos sobre la visa de turista. Para evitar errores tontos que pueden dar lugar a su cancelacià ³n o a que no se apruebe. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Dealing with conflicts Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Dealing with conflicts - Assignment Example The land was in a different area from my area of residence. After the purchase, another owner came up claiming that the land was his hence creating a conflict of interest on the right ownership of the land. This was attributed to the fact that, for a long period of time, the area had been faced with problems of land conflict (Adler & Proctor, 2010). This was what I was not aware of and it became a challenge after purchasing the land. It was challenging for me to defend this case because of the difference in our ethnic backgrounds. Date In order to arrive at an appropriate remedy, it was vital that we book an appointment with each other in order to discuss our fate. We agreed to meet after each of us had acquired the right documents that were valid in laying claims on the land. After two weeks, we were all ready to meet each other each accompanied by those who had sold the land. I turned up with all the relevant documents together with the financial transactions that I had undertaken in order to pay for the piece of land (Ronald & Adler, 1981). The claimer on the other hand, also turned up with documents that ended up not being valid and was forced to make a follow up to the person who had sold him the land. The conflict had now been extended to the third party. Negotiation of a Solution The incompatibility between the goals of the buyer and the seller ended up in a conflict between two parties hence a struggle. The scenario indicates that the buyer had negative intentions towards the opposing party with which we were conflicting for the land. The problem in this context was the lack of trust between the initial seller of the land and the buyer who had been conned. Through the win win experiment, it is clear that I won the conflict as it finally came out that the initial seller had negative intentions for his buyer. The seller may have tried to avoid the conflict by defending the first seller but the truth finally came out. This attempt to avoid the truth is a p essimistic attitude and this deceptive behaviour, goes ahead to make the conflict grow hence becoming unbearable in future (Adler & Proctor, 2010). Clans learn to hate their neighbours and conflicts become something normal and part of the society. The need in this context was to find the rightful owner of the land in question. The partner’s point of view was the fact that he also owned the same land I knew was mine. However, further interrogation by using the documents brought a valid solution and the owner was me. Pillow Method The pillow method, serves as a communication tool in which the actions of an individual are justified by his words and sometimes it is through some of the words that a conflict arises. This is because, we are likely to hear something different from what is expected and this may in the end bring about a conflict. For instance, there is the use of the words, â€Å"I’m right, you are wrong,†and they serve as judgmental statements that are likely to end up in conflict. Such statements, often elicit conflict in the sense that the parties have not listened to each other yet they are already judging the situation. It is always advisable to find the strengths in other people’s mistakes in order to avoid conflicts. This is however a rare trait in most individuals who are always quick to judge and confront those who wrong them and the result is a conflict (Crosland, 1987). The method was applicable in my conflict case in the sense that we were able to listen to the two differing parties and reach an applicable remedy to the conflict. This shows that communication is essential aspect in solving conflict and without it consensus and agreement cannot be
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Media Coverage of War Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Media Coverage of War - Research Proposal Example It is timely because it is based on the recent developments more precisely the Iraq war and it is argumentative because it has several perspectives of the same. The misperceptions of media reporting in Iraq war are immensely contested, and numerous studies have found that there were rampant instances of misreporting with the aim of winning support for the war (Blue Water Media 1). Cases have been reported of journalists being embedded with soldiers who intensified biased reporting. The proposed study endeavors to answer the established research question that will illuminate on the selected topic regarding media coverage of war with particular focus on the Iraq war. As a result, for purposes of the study the main research question has been developed that will guide the whole process of the suggested study. The main research question established is The proposed study will henceforth focus on the thorough evaluation of the above questions in guiding the process of research. The processes and activities of the suggested study will be based on the endeavor to reply to the above questions. The proposed study on media coverage of war will be organized in a systematic manner and will involve several activities. Initially, a general overview of the subject will be sought whereby existing information on the topic will be evaluated. A thorough background of the study will be sought which will be followed by the collection of data that will form the basic procedure of the study. Several sources will be applied in the process of conducting the suggested study. The sources to be used will be of two categories, primary and secondary sources. Primary sources will be crucial in developing the original flavor of the research. Primary sources represent original research, which relies on new methods of finding data. Secondary sources, on the other hand, will be pivotal in exploring existing data from completed research and surveys that will
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Testicular torsion in neonates Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Testicular torsion in neonates - Essay Example However, intravaginal torsion testis has also been reported in neonates (Burge). Most of the cases of torsion testis detected in the new born period are believed to occur inutero (2). Torsion testis occurs due to loose attachments of the tunica to the scrotal wall (4). It is associated with high birth weight (5). Most of the times, it is unilateral and may be associated with undescended testis. Baby of Gracy Thomas was noticed to have swelling and redness at the right half of the scrotum, 12 hours after birth. The baby was born full term by normal delivery. The birth weight was 3.5 kg. Antenatal scans were normal. On examination, there was redness and swelling over the right testis. No ecchymoses were noted on the skin of the scrotum. The testis was tender, firm and hard to feel. The opposite testis appeared normal. The vital signs were stable and other systems examination was normal. A diagnosis of torsion of the right testes was made and an emergency Doppler ultrasound arranged. Doppler study revealed gross swelling of the testis along with heterogeneous echogenicity. Subtunica fluid was noted and Doppler was absent. This confirmed the diagnosis of torsion testis. The baby was taken in for surgery immediately. On exploration during surgery, there was no evidence of necrosis of the affected testis. Incision of the right testis caused bleeding suggesting the viability of the testis. Detorsion of the right testes was done following which it was fixed to the scrotal wall. Also, orchidopexy of the opposite testis was also undertaken. Intra-operative Doppler study revealed return of blood supply to the testes, thus proving the success of detorsion. Post-sugery, the baby was stable. He was discharged after 2 days and asked to return after a week for follow up. On follow up, examination of the testes were normal. Neonatal testicular torsion can be divided
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Reflection On Placement Experience
Reflection On Placement Experience The Ipswich Womens Centre Against Domestic Violence is a feminist community based organisation committed to working towards the elimination of domestic and family violence throughout the community. The primary focus of IWCADV is to provide support to women and children survivors of domestic and family violence. This includes telephone information, referral and support services, court support for women, counselling services, group work and childrens work. During my placement experience as a womens counsellor at IWCADV I first spent a few weeks developing my understanding of the issues involved in domestic violence and the systems that are in place to support women and children who are survivors of domestic and family violence. My knowledge of the issues affecting women and children experiencing domestic and family violence includes an understanding of the emotional impacts of abuse (such as feelings of grief and loss, anger, guilt, depression, trauma), the loss of personal and physical security, safety concerns, the financial costs, family law and other legal issues, and power and control imbalances in relationships. I have developed my knowledge of the issues affecting women and children experiencing domestic and family violence in my university studies and my work experience. The understanding that I gained from my University studies was enhanced during my student placement at the Ipswich Womens Centre Against Domestic Violence. It was here that I developed my understanding of feminist perspectives on domestic and family violence, including the individual, familial, legal and social issues. In this role I was able to develop my understanding of feminist informed practises and techniques. I support this framework for practice as it can empower women and help them find their voice, encouraging women who have experienced the loss of control to make choices about their own life and to take responsibility for their life choices and to take back control. I worked from within a feminist framework to empower the client to find her voice and to discover her worth and make her own choices. In my role as a student counsellor at IWCADV I provided crisis support and advocacy work to women who have experienced domestic and family violence. During the beginning counselling sessions, I found it was quite difficult to always follow the story and set direction for the counselling. I took a strengths based narrative approach and usually after 2 -3 sessions a clearer picture had developed of the clients experience with domestic violence, and this continued to unfold throughout the counselling sessions. One of the most personally rewarding aspects of my counselling experience was the opportunity to explore and experience symbol and sand tray therapy. I spent some time reading Sandplay and Symbol Work Emotional healing and personal development with children, adolescents and adults by Mark Pearson and Helen Wilson to prepare for my personal experience with symbols and sand tray therapy during my professional supervision sessions. I then had the opportunity to introduce one of my counselling clients to the sand tray. Whilst I did have feelings of uncertainty about my ability to facilitate the process, I did feel comfortable enough with the setting and with my client to create a safe place for self-discovery and self-awareness. She was very open to the process and we both found this to be an enjoyable and meaningful experience. My client reported that this was a very positive experience for her and allowed her to process some of her experiences with domestic violence and that it was a breakthrough for her in terms of learning to accept and value herself. I felt that it was an honour to share this part of my clients journey. With another client who was directed by the Department of Child Safety to attend counselling, setting the direction for each session was more difficult. I did not believe that this woman was ready to explore some of the emotional issues related to the trauma that she had experienced as a result of long term domestic violence. I was encouraged by her regular attendance and I believe that this was a result of my increasing ability to develop rapport. I was able to develop good rapport with my clients by being non-judgemental, using open ended questions and appropriate body language. I believe that my skill in developing rapport is reflected by the feedback and regular attendance to counselling sessions by my clients. I did struggle with ending the sessions on time and frequently found that sessions with some clients were running over 1.5 hours long. I spoke with some of the other workers at the service about this and they agreed that it could be difficult especially when women are exploring very painful issues and that it was important to be sensitive but direct when closing a counselling session. The group supervision times that I was included in at IWCADV were also very rewarding and inspiring times for me. The other workers at the service were all very passionate women with a strong commitment to empowering women and changing community attitudes about violence towards women. During group supervision there was opportunity and support for workers to reflect on their own feelings of despair and helplessness, and there was encouragement to extend and share your knowledge and understanding of the issues relating to domestic and family violence. The group times were also very rewarding team building occasions and there is a strong commitment at the service to supporting one another. For example, I found that after long phone calls or after a counselling session, another worker would check-in with me to provide any support and to answer any questions that I had.
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